Family Historian Version 3.0

Note: We were mistaken, it will not be available until late March of 2006.

Family Historian v3.0 from Calico Pie, LTD, is officially available. This is a major revision to the Family Historian line. Family Historian is a Windows-based genealogy application oriented towards how you see and work with your genealogy data: Family Historian is a new kind of family tree program with a new and different design philosophy. …Family Historian was designed to be as easy to use as we could make it, while not compromising on the functionality we offered. We have tried to keep its look and feel as close as possible to the evolving standard used in Windows today….In designing Family Historian, our goal was to go much further than any family tree application had done up to then, in finding ways to allow users to see their data, and to work with data visually and graphically.

Among the highlights in Version 3.0:

  • Website Creation, with extensive control over the website
  • Internet search features
  • ‘Smart Trees’ that automatically adjust themselves for when data is added or removed
  • A new method of branch dragging relative to a ‘fixed point’ makes it easy to move entire branches apart or together. The same technique can used to move spouses and siblings together or further apart.
  • A new Everyone Diagram has been added which shows everyone in your family tree file, and all of their relationships.
  • The All Relatives Diagram has been Re-worked and Much Improved.
  • Diagrams now automatically adjust themselves vertically as well as horizontally to make best use of available space. You no longer get wasted unused rows for relatives you don’t have.
  • Family Historian will now (optionally) automatically close-off duplicated branches, and use curved, coloured ribbons to link duplicate individuals and duplicate families.
  • Multi-Tree Diagrams, Saved Diagrams and Enhanced Chart Output
  • Much Improved Control Over Box Contents in Diagrams
  • Diagram Orientations, Box Hiding, ‘On-the-fly’ Option Changes, and Yet More Enhancements to Diagrams
  • Usability Enhancements, including a New Navigation Pane
  • Up to now, however, you have only been able to create custom facts (i.e. events or attributes) one at a time. Suppose, however, that you share an interest with others in a particular set of facts that cover some specialised aspect. In that case, you or someone else can define a complete set of facts that are relevant to this. This ‘fact set’ can be exported, and uploaded to a website (the Family Historian User Group website for example). Then others can download and install it using an Import comand.
  • Unlimited Record Flags
  • CD Exporting
  • New Narrative Reports and Enhancements to Existing Narrative Reports
  • New Queries and Query Enhancements
  • A new import/export menu that makes exporting and installing custom items, much easier (e.g. queries, custom text schemes, installable fact sets etc).
  • Improvements to the Descendant Outline report.
  • Sundry other report enhancements – e.g. Cause of Death is now included with other notes about deaths, in reports.
  • You can now specify a copyright message in the header box of a GEDCOM file.
  • Numerous other minor refinements and improvements.

Full List of Features

via Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter