Family Historian 2.3

Version 2.3 of Family Historian has been released. “Family Historian is a new kind of family tree program with a new and different design philosophy.”


This is a free upgrade to existing users.
Requires: Windows 95+ or Windows NT+ (Including 2000, XP, 2003)

Full Listing of What’s New (

Official Description:

“We believe that we offer the best diagram (or chart) facilities of any family tree application. In Family Historian, diagrams are tightly integrated into the way you work. You use them not just for printing, but also for browsing and editing. As well as Ancestor, Descendant and ‘Hourglass’ diagrams, Family Historian also has a unique All Relatives diagram, which really does allow you to view all your relatives (including in-laws) in a way that looks great and is easy to understand. Relatives of the same type (all first cousins, all second cousins, etc) are laid out in the same row; so you can read off how people are related, from the (optional) row labels.”