Export GEDCOM File v6.0 (Family Historian 7)

The Export GEDCOM File v6.0 plugin for Family Historian 5, 6, and 7, was released a few days ago, and this is possibly a major update for genealogists who are using maCOS or Unix/Linux and running FH7 under CrossOver or WIne.

It allows you to easily export GEDCOM and media files in GEDCOM 5.5 or GEDCOM 5.5.1 format (usually) without FH non-standard tags, but with control over certain details when creating a GEDCOM file for another program (or online upload).

The changes for macOS/Linux/Unix genealogists is that it has a new option for “/” path separators under those file systems.

It can be downloaded here (along with links to support forum topics): Export Gedcom File – Plugin Store


  • Support new GEDCOM Destination: (GKP) GEDKeeper Program
  • Fix media for (MYH) MyHeritage by using GEDCOM 5.5.1 but not FACT tag
  • New option for / path separators for MacOS, Unix, etc, file systems
  • Library V3.6; Several other minor improvements;