Brother’s Keeper 6.2.15

Brother’s Keeper version 6.2.15 has now been released. It’s a Windows genealogy application (Windows 95 or NT up through XP and 2003). Version 6.2.15 is a free update for existing Brother’s Keeper 6.x users. It can be downloaded from here ( If you have BK already installed, check the “Help” and then “About” menus to see what version you have.

– Show Christened date and place on Missing information report.
– Allow right mouse click in Todo text box to cut, copy, paste.
– If you delete (blank out) a ToDo internal note it will now remove the pointer to the blank note so it will not print an extra blank line on todo report.

– Switch two lines on Options screen about Media files (lines 1 and 3 were reversed)