Brother’s Keeper 6.2.13

Brother’s Keeper version 6.2.13 was released yesterday. Brother’s Keeper is a genealogy application for Windows and requires Windows 95 and up (including NT). This update is free for existing Brother’s Keeper 6x users. Version 6.2.13 contains three updates – one dealing with multiple spouses, one dealing with Swedish users of Windows XP, and one dealing with backups stored at “C:\”.

  • Updates:
    New: On the Edit screen, if a person has more than one spouse, you can pick from the top menu Edit, Set this spouse as primary, and then that spouse will show first anytime you show the top person.
  • Changed: If you have the Swedish version of Windows XP, the Backup routine should work correctly now.
  • Fixed: If you had a backup on C:\ and you were trying to restore from C:\ it was not finding the backup in that location.

As always, the latest version of Brother’s Keeper (at least through version 6) can be downloaded here