Behold 2.0 is a Little Closer

I have been keeping an eye on Louis Kessler’s Behold 2.0 development blog, and it appears to be closer to release, as he posted an update for his Behold Windows genealogy program a few days ago, both concerning Behold 1.99.1 and Behold 2.0.

If you’d like to see the full list of what he has planned, visit this site:

Behold Future Plans (

Below is a list of what he has left before he considers a 1.99.1 release.

What’s left for Behold 1.99.1
Display all familial Relationships (up to 20 steps) of every person to the main person in each family, even multiple relationships (e.g. cousins on two sides) along with the MRCA (most recent common ancestor) for that connection with an indication if it is not biological. (Currently being worked on)
New: Display the likelihood of each person’s sharing autosomal, X, Y and mitochondrial DNA with the main person in each family, along with the expected amount in cM if they do share.
New: Ensure exported GEDCOM to standard will read back into Behold without errors.
New: Ensure GEDCOM 1 and GEDCOM 2.0 still work and will export to GEDCOM.
New: Check that MARR.HUSB.AGE is accepted and displays correctly and exports to GEDCOM.

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