Ancestral Author Plus 3.1.12

Ancestral Author Plus 3.1.12, the cross-platform (Mac and Windows) genealogy utility that allows you to, in the words of the developer, “craft high quality, professional genealogical documents from GEDCOM files, images, text and other source material”.

It’s a drag-and-drop application that will generate either a PDF-compatible file, or an ODT (Open Document Text) file that can be used as a report (or even as a book) for distribution to others.

It is a commercial application (see pricing) and can be downloaded at Ancestral Softworks (Windows 7, 8, or 10, probably 11, or macOS 10.13 or later, Intel-only). While it claims Intel-only for Macs, I will try and install it and see if it runs on my M1-based Mac.

Changes in Ancestral Author Plus 3.1.12

Notes for spouses of children are now emitted into the output document in the list of children fora couple. Descendant reports and ancestor reports are affected. (see release notes for details)
Added support for GEDCOM DIV (divorce) records. To enable, click the ‘Options’ button on a descendant, ancestor, or every person report, then select the ‘GEDCOM’ table, and check the ‘DIV’ checkbox.
OCCUpation, EDUCation, and RELIgion records are processed slightly differently – now the NOTEs are put in a separate sentence with an optional prefix. There are several new phrases in the phrases file, and if you have your own modified phrases, you will need to update the phrases before creating a PDF or ODT file.
Several other bugs fixed.
Notice: New phrases were added to the phrases file. As mentioned above, you will need to update your file If you have modified your phrases file – select Menu Item ‘Phrases-Update’.