webtrees 2.1.15

The open-source genealogy web application, webtrees 2.1.15, has been released (along with versions 2.1.10, 2.1.12, 2.1.13, and 2.1.14 earlier this month). web trees is a program that allows for online collaboration with other genealogists, or can be just used to display and share your family tree with others.

It’s a fork of the discontinued PhpGedView and requires a server running PHP 7.4 – 8.2. If your server is still running PHP 7.1 – 7.4, you may need to download webtrees 2.0.25 (link), and if you are running PHP 8.0 and above, you will need to stick to 2.1.15.

Webtrees 2.2 is in development.

webtrees 2.1.15 is a minor release, with one bug fix, however 2.1.14 was a major release (see below).

You can view a demo of webtrees 2.1.15 here at dev.webtrees.net.

You can download it here at https://webtrees.net/download or view the system requirements here: https://webtrees.net/install/requirements/

Changes in webtrees 2.1.15 (25 December 2022):

  • The NAME editor is not linked to GIVN and SURN

Changes in webtrees 2.1.14 (24 December 2022):

Read-only NAME records are styled as disabled, to encourage users to use GVIN/SURN fields.
Missing API keys for map-providers now gives a helpful message.
Editing an empty NAME record will now initialise it from the GIVN/SURN parts.
Block more bad robots: DataForSeoBot, wp_is_mobile.
More compatibility updates for SQL-Server.
Data from edit fields in modal windows are now formatted the same as full-page editors.
Statistics for common surnames now uses the same logic as the individual list.
Fix: Change family members removed all children
Fix: Email notifications for new releases of webtrees sent in the wrong language.
Fix: Cannot enter empty row into census-assistant.
Fix: Adding XDEBUG parameters during setup causes the base_url to be wrongly detected.
Fix: Incorrect collation rules for surnames on the individual list.
Fix: Missing totals in tag-cloud lists.
Fix: Expand/collapse edit fields wrongly connected.
Fix: Old entries in wt_names table cause errors in the individual list.

Changes in webtrees 2.1.13 (15 December 2022):

Note: There are additional translations available (https://translate.webtrees.net/)

New: ‘Ugly’ URLs are redirected to pretty ones, for SEO.
New: Dutch historic events.
Support for GEDCOM7 versions of INDI/FAM:RESI which allow a value.
The FAQ page now uses the default tree by default.
Fix: Cannot save tree-preferences without contact details.
Fix: Provide select-options for NAME:FONE/ROMN:TYPE.
Fix: HTML error prevents privacy rules from saving.
Fix: Interactive tree not updating in full-screen mode.

Changes in webtrees 2.1.12 (2.1.11) (6 December 2022):

It fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 7.4.
It also blocks two new aggressive crawlers, serpstatbot and linabot.
It removes validation of HTTP headers.
Some web-hosts are adding GEO_IP headers containing placenames with invalid encoding.

Changes in webtrees 2.1.10 (4 December 2022):

Changed: webtrees will now use the first NAME record for an individual, even it is a married name.
Changed: Block more bad robots and verify others.
Fix: Robots that request disabled languages and then visit unauthorized pages cause errors in the logs
Fix: Wrong statistic shown for lastEventPlace
Fix: Wrong date order MDY for en-GB and en-AU.
Fix: Fix validation errors that break various edit pages.
Fix: Fact-level restrictions not matching upper/lower case.