PhpGedView 4.0 beta 6

The beta for PhpGedView has received its sixth and potentially final release. PhpGedView is an online genealogy program that utilizes PHP, MySQL, etc., in order to allow collaboration between multiple people over the internet. You can edit all of the information available, as well as add to it, you can create privacy restrictions (logins required, information of living individuals restricted, etc.). It doesn’t look like anything was changed, just bug fixes and final packaging to test before the Final Release of PhpGedView 4.0. You can download and test it here.

Updates/Developer’s Note:
In anticipation of the final release, beta 6 is divided up into several different packages. The purpose of dividing up the packages is to make the default installation smaller but still allow you to include the other options if you want to:
-phpGedView-4.0beta6-all contains everything from the CVS including all languages, places, flags, and themes. This is similar to the other beta releases.
-phpGedView-4.0beta6 release only contains the most popular languages (de, en, fr, he, nl, no, sv), flags, and themes (cloudy, standard, ocean, simplygreen, xenea) and does not contain any places.
-places-4.0beta6 contains all of the places from the “all” package
-languages-4.0beta6 contains all of the languages plus some extra files required for some languages.
-themes-4.0beta6 contains all of the themes from the all release
-flags-4.0beta6 contains all of the flag files