PhpGedView 4.0 beta 2

PhpGedView 4.0 beta 4 is now available for downloading (you can download it here). This is fourth beta that is a part of a major revision of the PhpGedView, which is an online genealogy application (requiring a web host, PHP, and some kind of database). This version added some features for working with the Random Media Block as well as allowing click on chart images, random images, etc.

PhpGedView parses GEDCOM 5.5 genealogy files and displays them on the internet in formats and charts that you are familiar with. It also allows relatives to edit their genealogy online and collaborate together on their research.

What’s Been Added/Fixed:


  • Added Allow configuration of Random Media block

Added Allow clicking on Chart images, on Random image, and on main Indi image


  • Fixed remove unneeded cells at the bottom of search results to properly align the table
  • Fixed [ 1383906 ] Parse error 4.0b2 (CVS)
  • Fixed [ 1383690 ] Fact Images configuration option needed
  • Fixed [ 1398324 ] Starred Name Feature not working on Family view
  • Fixed [ 1396637 ] Error in results of “Find individual ID” dialog
  • Fixed [ 1395032 ] Language File Edit tool problems, escaped letters
  • Fixed [ 1390099 ] Vi characters not implemented in special characters
  • Fixed [ 1390306 ] Upcoming Events do not Show Events Next Year
  • Fixed [ 1390162 ] Family names incorrectly formatted