GDBI 13.1 (Gedcom DataBase Interface)

GDBI – Gedcom DataBase Interface, has been updated to version 13.1. GDBI is a “genealogy program integrator”. If you are using PhpGedView, you can use it as a family tree data editor on your local computer (“more convenient and powerful than the web interface”). If you are a Java developer, it’s a GEDCOM API that allows you to write GEDCOM editors and generate reports for several databases. This release adds new features when working with PGV.

Release Notes:

This is the first version with PGV database caching. You can specify a local directory where it creates a local copy in an FSDB database, which is also a new feature. After the records are cached, you can connect with the “Offline” option to use the local copy without connecting to PGV.

Note: PGV = PGV-View – a version of PhpGedView that only allows for showing your genealogy data.

It can be downloaded here (