This is a listing of acronyms, abbreviations, file types, and definitions that you may come across when working with genealogy software and research.

Note: If you are looking for a genealogy file name/extension, please see the filename/extension page!

Last Updated: 26 Sep 2024 (changelog)

ABNFAugmented Backus-Naur Form see GEDCOM 7 and RFC 5234 and RFC 7405
AFNAncestral File Number - number used to identify records in Ancestral File, a FamilySearch database/program.
AISAccelerated Indexing System (FamilySearch term?)
.aviWindows movie/video file.
BKBrother's Keeper - a genealogy program
BMDBirth, Marriage, Death - records
BOMByte Order Mark is a special Unicode character code, "whose appearance as a magic number at the start of a text stream can signal several things to a program reading the text" (Wikipedia)
CDCompact Disc - optical disc that could store 650MB of data
CL, Cl, CLICommand-line Interface, used by some DOS programs, as well as various Linux or Unix-based OSes (macOS, etc.).
.DATData file (generic file name extension used by many programs). Try opening with a text editor.
DatabaseIn terms of this website, we use the common definition that a database is a structured set of data/information that can be accessed in various ways (charts, tables/lists, etc.). Most genealogy programs fall under this definition (otherwise they would be considered "utilities", see "Utility" below). And a file, such as a GEDCOM file, could be considered a database.
.DMGDisk Image file (Mac)
DOSDisk Operating System - MS-DOS, PC-DOS, etc. running on x86 hardware (Windows-compatible later on)
EOLEnd of Life - Discontinuation of things such as support for certain software or hardware platforms.
EXEExecutable File (Windows, DOS)
FAT-32File Allocation Table, 32-bit filesystem used by Microsoft Operating Systems
FAVFamily Archive Viewer - used for viewing Family Archive and World Family Tree CDs
FGRCFamily Group Records Collection
FHFamily Historian - a genealogy program
FHCFamily History Center
FHLFamily History Library
FHLCFamily History Library Catalog
FHU / FHUGFamily Historian Users Group
FTMFamily Tree Maker - a genealogy program
GDPREuropean General Data Protection Regulation - law in the European Union governing personal data and privacy. See the Wikipedia entry for more details.
GEDCOMGenealogy Data Communication - pseudo-open specification for exchanging genealogy data between genealogy programs. These can be opened up with text editors since it is technically a text file).
GENDEXGENealogical inDEX File: Specification to export the index of a genealogical home page or GEDCOM file to a global name index service, using a GENDEX.txt file - lists all individuals in the GECOM file with birth/death details only.
GenogramGraphic representation of a family tree
GGSGenerations Grande Suite
.GIFGraphics Interchange Format, GIF file, graphic file.
GNTPGenealogy Network Transfer Protocol - a never-finished/realized peer-to-peer network for sharing genealogy information (GEDCOM files)
groups.ioOnline service that many genealogists and genealogy software user groups are using after RootsWeb began shutting down earlier in 2020.
GSDSGenealogy Software Distribution System
GSPGlobal Software Publishing Limited - published various genealogy books and software.
.HQXBinHex archive file.
IGIInternational Genealogical Index
.JPGJPG or JPEG graphics file.
LDSLatter Day Saints - abbreviation that is sometimes used/seen within genealogy circles and or options within software.
.LHA / .LHZArchive format (formerly LHArc)
.LZXAnother archive format, used with Amiga and Microsoft Ones.
MPRUMacPAF Report Utility
NFSNew FamilySearch. For more information, see this article - Legacy NFS Sources on FamilySearch (
PAFPersonal Ancestral File - a genealogy program
PCPersonal Computer - can apply to Apple II, Commodore 64, etc., but these days generally refers to Windows-compatible, and back in the day meant "IBM-Compatible" with either Windows or DOS.
PRFPedigree Resource File - Collection of User-Submitted Genealogies - Distributed on CD, later online.
ProgramA genealogy program is a program that allows for the entry of genealogy information. Otherwise it is a utility (see Utility below). This includes the creation or handling of a "database" of genealogy information (see "Database" above).
RINRecord Identification Number - RINs are assigned by Personal Ancestral File to each individual record. Differentiates between people with same name.
RMRootsMagic - a genealogy program
.SEASelf-Extracting Archive (Mac archive file)
.SITStuffit file - Mac archive file, can be opened with Finder.
StamboomDutch for "Pedigree"
Tiny Tafel"a compact way of describing the main surnames found in a family genealogy, which can be read by humans and matched by computers using a Tafel Matching System.[2] The Tiny Tafel lists the Soundex encoded representation of each surname (to allow for matching surnames with spelling variations), accompanied by a corresponding range of dates and locations associated with the surname"
TMGThe Master Genealogist - a genealogy program
.TXT/.TEXTText file, can be opened with most text editors and word processors.
Tree PruningA feature some programs have that allows you to remove in an ancestor or descendant tree/chart and see a common lineage.
A utility, whether it's related directly to genealogy (such as GEDCOM handling) or not, is a program that does not directly involve entering genealogy information.
.WAVWave sound/audio file.
WFTWorld Family Tree - CDs of archived, user-submitted/created family trees.
WPWordPerfect - a very popular word processor back in the day.
.ZIPZip or Zipped archive file, can be opened by the file browsers/Finder of most modern operating systems. Frequently used to send large numbers of files through email in years past. PKZip was the most popular utility back then.


  • 29 Sep 2024 – Added AIS, FGRC, FHC, FHL, FHLC,
  • 26 Sep 2024 – Added ABNF