Did you know that here in September of 2024, there are still a lot of computer/genealogy related groups, including SIGs (Special Interest Groups) or technology/software-focused offshoots of local family history/genealogy societies that are alive and kicking, and that still hold meetings focused on genealogy software?
There are a couple that coming up next month that are focused on Family Tree Maker, and one is complete with appearances by MacKiev/Family Tree Maker employees (or add-on developers). If you know of any more (FTM or otherwise), please contact us!
The first is in Australia, October 10, 9:30am – 3:300pm, the Queensland Family History Society, specifically, The QFHS Family Tree Maker (FTM) User Group:
Tickets – $60 – $85 (AUD) depending on membership status and time of purchase.
This meeting features:
- Duff Wilson (Software MacKiev)
- Stefan Harms (Family Book Creator)
The second is the Genealogical Forum of Oregon, for October 20, 2024, 3-5PM:
https://gfo.org/learn/special-interest-groups/family-tree-maker.html (registration)
“Beginning or basic Family Tree Maker functions will be covered the first hour. The second hour will cover more intermediate or advanced functions.” Past meetings (April and May) saw discussions of Family Tree Maker 2024 and presentations by MacKiev staff.
On a side note, I just came across this – there is a Family Tree Maker tour (details at MacKiev) wrapping up in the next few days, in Northern Ireland, England, and Scotland. Primarily about the current Family Tree Maker 2019, there is mention of the “soon-to-be-released FTM 2024“
There is one more event – September 23, 10am – 1pm, in Aberdeen, hosted by the Aberdeen Family History Society (tickets).