A new beta release of LifeLines is out – version 3.0.50. LifeLines is a genealogy program to help with your family history research. Its primarily strengths are its powerful scripting language and the ability easily import and export information in the GEDCOM format. You can download it here. This is an open source cross-platform genealogy program (free). This release is geared towards fixing bugs without introducing any new ones. It is a beta, and as such should not be used for your main genealogy research.
New features added in LifeLines 3.0.50
- The spouses() iterator has been overloaded to iterate over the spouses of an individual if the first argument is an individual, and to iterate over all the husbands/wives if the first argument is a family. The two uses also require a different number of arguments, refer to the report manual for details.
LifeLines 3.0.49
- Deleting an individual would remove younger siblings from family (fixed)