St. Louis Genealogical Society – Reunion Class, Feb 15, 2025

As the title states, the St. Louis Genealogical Society is holding a free class for the macOS genealogy software, Reunion, and the class is both in-person (at their office in Maplewood, Missouri) or online using Zoom (which is recorded for later viewing). It looks like it will be 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Central Time.

Note: starting this month, these classes are “free and open to all”, although they do hope you will become a member (which comes with benefits –


Reunion 14 for the Mac (genealogy software, Macintosh only)

Ilene Murray, StLGS publications director

Reunion is the most popular genealogical application for the Mac and version 14 is the latest update. We’ll go over some of Reunion’s basic features as well as examine many of the unique new features of this robust genealogy software. (Mac users who attend in person are welcome to bring their laptops with Reunion installed to the class, although it is not necessary.)

Registration Link: Current StLGS Classes – St. Louis Genealogical Society

Previously recorded classes are located here: Recorded StLGS Classes – St. Louis Genealogical Society and include the following genealogy programs:

  • Legacy Family Tree 10
  • Reunion 13
  • RootsMagic 8
  • RootsMagic 9